Soft Tissue & Orthopedic Surgery
To schedule an appointment, call 949-429-1555
Board Certified veterinary surgeons perform complex soft tissue and orthopedic procedures that typically are not performed by general practitioners. They are trained in advanced surgical techniques, which means better postoperative outcomes for our patients.
These are some of the surgical procedures that are performed at our facility:
TTA - Tibial Tuberosity Advancement
TPLO - Tibeal Plateau Leveling Osteotomy
Fracture fixation
Patellar Luxation Repair
Surgical treatment for Elbow Dysplasia
Hip Denervation
Femoral Head Ostectomy
Laparoscopy and Arthroscopy (including prophylactic gastropexy to prevent GDV in large breed dogs)
Perineal Urethrostomy (PU) for patients with recurrent urinary blockage or obstruction
Total Ear Canal Ablation (TECA) and bulla osteotomy (for dogs with severe/chronic ear infections)
Mass removals